Tuesday, December 27, 2022



University life is different than school life. As a university students, we have to learn to be more responsible and know how to manage our life in university. It might be hard to do it at first but you have to get used to it if you want to be a successful student. There’re some differences of university and school life. For examples:




Answer the questions to the best of your ability. Mark a YES or NO response.

1. I prefer watching a video to reading. YES NO

2. When I sing along with my CDs or the radio, I know the words to the songs. YES NO

3. I have athletic ability. YES NO

4. I can picture the setting of a story I am reading. YES NO

5. I study better with music in the background. YES NO

6. I enjoy hands-on learning. YES NO

7. I’d rather play sports than watch someone play them. YES NO

8. Reading aloud helps me remember. YES NO

9. I prefer watching someone perform a skill or a task before I actually try it. YES NO

10. I color-coordinate my clothes. YES NO

11. I’m good at rhyming and rapping. YES NO

12. Use phrases like: “I’ve got a handle on it,” “I’m up against the wall,” or “I have a feeling that . . .” YES NO

13. I need to look at something several times before I understand it. YES NO

14. I prefer having instructors give oral directions than written ones. YES NO

15. I have difficulty being still for long periods of time. YES NO

16. I use phrases like “I see what you’re saying,” “That looks good,” or “That’s clear to me.” YES NO

17. I’m good at figuring out how something works. YES NO

18. I can understand a taped lecture. YES NO

19. It’s easy for me to replay scenes from movies in my head. YES NO

20. I enjoy studying foreign languages. YES NO

21. I would rather conduct my own science experiment than watch someone else do it. YES NO

22. I would rather paint a house than a picture. YES NO

23. I enjoy studying in groups. YES NO

24. I prefer to have written directions to someone’s home. YES NO

25. I can look at an object and remember it when I close my eyes. YES NO

26. I have musical ability. YES NO

27. When I study new vocabulary, writing the words several times helps me learn. YES NO

28. I can imagine myself doing something before I actually do it. YES NO

29. I use phrases like “That rings a bell,” “I hear you,” or “That sounds good.” YES NO

30. I enjoy building things and working with tools. YES NO

From this test i know that i am a visual learner so that i know that i visualization is most effective for me to study.I can learn by reading and watching a video to study.

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